These medical coding training books and manuals are geared for the novice, to intermediate coder. Learn to how to correctly code for diagnosis and procedures with tutorials, charts, and illustrations.
Training publications used to be revised and updated more frequently, so unfortunately this section of our store now has less to offer than in the past. AHA’s ICD10 Coding Handbook by Nelly Leon-Chisen is still released on a yearly basis, making it our most trusted training book.
Brands: AHA, AMA, PMIC
Format: Training books are available in both spiral and softbound binding
These medical coding training books and manuals are geared for the novice, to intermediate coder. Learn to how to correctly code for diagnosis and procedures with tutorials, charts, and illustrations.
Training publications used to be revised and updated more frequently, so unfortunately this section of our store now has less to offer than in the past. AHA’s ICD10 Coding Handbook by Nelly Leon-Chisen is still released on a yearly basis, making it our most trusted training book.
Brands: AHA, AMA, PMIC
Format: Training books are available in both spiral and softbound binding
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