Medical Fees 2025 includes everything you need to review your fees, set fees for new services, challenge low payments from third party payers, and evaluate managed care contracts.
For over three decades, the annual Medical Fees Directory, based on computer analysis of over 600 million commercial and Medicare insurance claim records, has stood as the premier resource for providers, payers, and health plans nationwide. Don’t miss out on revenue enhancement opportunities—rely on Medical Fees 2025 to pave the way for your practice’s financial prosperity.
Key features and benefits of this PMIC fee guide:
- Over 11,000 CPT codes and detailed descriptions
- Medicare fees and Relative Values (RVUs)
- Usual, customary and reasonable (UCR) fees at the 50th, 75th, and 90th percentiles
- Suggested fees for most new CPT codes
- Fees for modifier – 26, professional component
- Fees for modifier – TC, technical component
- Comprehensive guidance on fee schedule review and management
- Geographic adjustment factors tailored to your practice’s locale
Health insurance companies will never tell you your fees are too low. Now you can find out for yourself!
Invest in the Medical Fees Directory 2025 today to uncover untapped revenue streams and fortify your medical fee schedule. Don’t let potential earnings slip away—act now to safeguard and improve your financial future.
Use Medical Fees Directory to maximize your revenue potential:
- Review your fee schedule against national and local benchmarks
- Establish fees for new and never performed procedures and services
- Optimize reimbursements from Medicare and private insurers
- Advocate for fair compensation from health insurance providers
- Challenge low allowances and payments by health insurance companies
- Scrutinize managed care contracts to ensure equitable payment terms
CPT is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association.
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